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What are the Most Common Winning Powerball Numbers?

What are the Most Common Winning Powerball Numbers?

Learn more about the most common Powerball numbers, as well as the numbers which have been drawn the least. If you like to use statistics to pick your Powerball numbers, you can find a summary of the most important ones below. 

What are the Most Common Winning Numbers? 

Main Numbers 
As of June 2019, the top five winning main numbers are 32, 64, 23, 69 and 28. The number 32 has been drawn an impressive 42 times, while 64 and 23 have each been drawn 41 times. The most recent drawing was on June 5th 2019, in which both 23 and 28 appeared. The number 69 has been drawn a total of 40 times, but has not been drawn since March 13th.

The most common winning Powerball numbers are 24, 21, 9, 13, and 6. The numbers 24 and 21 lead the way, both having been drawn 21 times. The number 21 was drawn most recently - on June 22nd - while 24 has not appeared as the Powerball since January 23rd.

What are the Least Common Winning Numbers? 

Main Numbers
The least common winning main numbers are 35, 51, 46, 65, and 4. The number 35 has been drawn the fewest amount of times and it was last drawn in June.

The least common winning Powerball numbers are 14, 23, 16, 2, and 5. The Powerball number 14 has only been drawn nine times.

Where can I Find More Powerball Statistics? 

Head over to the Powerball statistics page to find more in-depth information about which numbers have been drawn in the past. You can see the most overdue numbers, the most common pairs and triplets, and much more.

If you haven’t chosen your numbers for the next drawing, there is still time to do so online or at any authorized retailer in participating states. Best of luck! 



Page Last Updated: 6/26/2019 7:41:11 AM ET