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How to Claim Australia Powerball Prizes

If you’ve won a Powerball prize, the next step is to receive your money. The options available to you depend on how much you have won, whether you played online or in-store, and where your ticket was purchased. Find out more about how to claim Australia Powerball prizes.

Saturday March 29th 2025
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*Cash Lump Sum: $242.7 Million

Online and Registered Players

If you play online or via an official app, prizes will be paid directly into your online lottery account. If you have registered as a member with one of the Lott’s official programs – the Winners Circle, Players Club, Tatts Card or Easiplay Card – or with Lotterywest in Western Australia, then you will be linked to every in-store purchase you make with your card. You will also have prize protection, so winnings will be paid automatically and you will not have to come forward to claim. Winnings will be paid by cheque or into your online lottery account or bank account.

If you win a Division 1 prize as an online or a registered player, you will be contacted directly with the news and paid out after a provisional period of approximately two weeks.

New South Wales (and the Australian Capital Territory)




South Australia

Northern Territory

Western Australia

Claim Prizes Where You Bought Your Ticket

All prizes must be claimed in the same state where the ticket was originally purchased. You will not be able to redeem your winnings in a different territory. However, you can claim your prize by post using the relevant form from the state where you bought your entry.

Please note that some states do not have their own payment centres. Each of the lottery operators has their own base and coordinates payments from there. The following table shows all the postal addresses you need for the different states:

State Postal Address
Queensland Administration, Locked Bag 1, Spring Hill QLD 4004
New South Wales Administration, Locked Bag 7000, Granville NSW 2142
Victoria, Northern Territory, Tasmania Administration, Locked Bag 888, Melbourne VIC 3004
South Australia Administration, PO Box 74, Marleston SA 5033
Western Australia Locked Bag 66, Subiaco WA 6904

Claiming on Behalf of Someone Else

You can allow someone else to claim Powerball prizes on your behalf in all states apart from Western Australia. You need to provide the winning ticket, complete a claim form and give authorisation for them to collect the prize. The authorisation should be in the form of a signed letter, which provides details of the ticket number, your telephone number, the name of the person who is claiming the prize for you and the prize amount.

Lost and Damaged Tickets

If you have lost or damaged your ticket, you may still be able to claim your prize. The first step is to complete a Lost or Damaged Ticket Search form. You can download a form, based on your location, from any one of the official Australian lottery operator websites.

The form will help identify where the ticket is in their system, and you will have to provide details including where you purchased the ticket, when you bought it, your type of entry and contact details. You need to complete one form for every ticket you have lost or damaged. If your ticket is damaged, you must send it to the address on the front of the form along with a completed form.

If your claim is successful, the prize will be paid after four weeks in Victoria, Tasmania, the Northern Territory and Queensland, eight weeks in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, and 12 months in South Australia.

If you are covered by a Winner Circle, Players Club, Tatts Card or Easiplay Club membership, you should telephone 131 868 if you lose your lottery ticket or membership card. You will then be guided through the process to receive a cheque or free ticket certificate.