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Powerball Jackpot of $758.7 Million Claimed by Mavis Wanczyk

Powerball Jackpot of $758.7 Million Claimed by Mavis Wanczyk

Mavis Wanczyk, a 53-year-old patient care worker at Springfield’s Mercy Medical Center in Massachusetts claimed the Powerball jackpot of $758.7 Million yesterday afternoon. The jackpot is the biggest ever win on a single ticket and is the second largest jackpot in U.S. history. 

Mavis, preferably known as Mave, is a single mother of two children and was born in Southbridge, Massachusetts. She is a graduate of the Springfield Technical Community College and has been working in patient care in Springfield for the previous 32 years. 

The Chicopee resident bought her winning ticket at a Pride gas station store, on the day of the Powerball drawing. She found out about her big win, as she was walking out of work, accompanied by her firefighter friend Rob. As Rob read out the winning numbers, Mave couldn’t believe it when she realised she had matched all six numbers, which were 6, 7, 16, 23 and 26, with Powerball 4.

In shock over her win, Mave commented saying: “I couldn’t drive anywhere and I couldn't do anything.” Her firefighter friend escorted her home safely. 

When asked what she would do with her new fortune, Mave told the press that she had already quit her job: “I’ve called them and told them I won’t be coming back.” She also mentioned that she is still letting the win sink in and is planning on relaxing at home: “I’m going to hide in my bed.”

Mave opted for the cash lump sum of $480.5 million, over the full jackpot amount, which is paid out in 30 annual instalments. After taxes, it is estimated that she will take home about $336 million.

The Pride Station and Store in Chicopee will also receive a vendor’s bonus of $50,000, for selling the winning ticket. The Owner, Bob Bolduc, said: “I didn’t have anything to do with it, it’s just a matter of luck. Somebody had to win and it just happened to be our chain.” He has also pledged to donate the money to local children’s charities.
Massachusetts has now had 6 Powerball jackpot winners, including this recent win. You can check how many jackpot winners have come from your state on the Powerball Winners page. 

Page Last Updated: 8/25/2017 6:57:49 AM ET